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Revision of the CCC Certification Standards for Automobiles

On January 16, 2023, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) issued Technical Resolution TC11-2022-01 (hereinafter referred to as the "Technical Resolution," announcing a batch of revised mandatory certification standards and implementation requirements for automobiles and automobile parts.

To ensure the effective implementation of the mandatory product certification system for automobile products, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Notice on Matters Related to Mandatory Product Certification During the Revision of Standards" (Guo Ren Ke Lian [2005] No. 18) and the "Announcement on the Requirements for Mandatory Product Certification Standards During the Revision of Standards" (SAMR 2012 No. 4), CQC has revised CQC-C1101-2020 "Implementation Rules for Mandatory Product Certification - Automobile" (Download link: Homepage >> Product Certification >> CCC Product Certification >> Certification Scope >> 11 Vehicles and Safety Accessories (formerly categories 11 and 12)), and the details of the revision can be found in the preface of the rules.

The implementation requirements of the new version of the standards are as follows:

1. Products applying for new certification must comply with the requirements of the revised standards (including the implementation date requirements). The implementation date and supplementary test requirements for the new revised standards can be found in the Technical Resolution.

2. In the case of standard revisions without adding new test items, previously certified products do not need to undergo additional testing and can directly obtain the new version of the certification certificate. If there are new test items added, supplementary testing is required. After passing the test, the new version of the certificate will be issued. For certified products that have already been manufactured, launched into the market, and are no longer in production before the implementation of the new version of the standards, there is no need to re-confirm and issue the new version of the certificate according to the new version of the standards.

3. Certificates related to products that have already been certified will remain valid for one year from the date of the Technical Resolution's release. If the standard explicitly stipulates a transition period for production, the certification applicant should complete the certificate modification and update work according to the corresponding standard before the specified date. If the transition period specified in the standard is less than one year after the release of the Technical Resolution, the certification applicant should complete the certificate modification and update work within one year after the release of the Technical Resolution. Companies may choose to start the certificate conversion work in advance at their own discretion.

4. For products that have not completed the certificate update work after the deadline specified in the Technical Resolution, CQC will suspend the corresponding certificates. If the certificate update work is not completed after three months of the deadline, CQC will revoke the corresponding certificates.

All relevant cooperative laboratories should promptly report to CQC their newly acquired testing capabilities for the revised standards. Certification applicants can submit their certification applications through the CQC website. For specific matters, please contact CQC's certification engineers.

Contact Number: 010-83886404

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