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HACCP Certification

Originating from the food safety control during the development of space food by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the 1960s, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) has been widely promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is an internationally recognized and accepted food safety control system. HACCP is a preventive system that analyzes and controls food safety hazards across the entire food supply chain. It proposes necessary preventive and corrective measures and establishes monitoring and verification procedures to eliminate and control food safety hazards.

China’s HACCP certification is a national voluntary certification system implemented by certification bodies based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Certification Implementation Rules (CNCA-N-001:2021). The 2021 edition of the HACCP certification implementation rules brought significant changes:

  1. Integrate the HACCP certification for dairy products and HACCP certification, and incorporate feed, retail and wholesale, transportation and storage, food additives and food packaging materials into the scope of HACCP certification, in addition to existing food processing and catering.

  2. Integrate previous certification standards into the Appendix 2 of the implementation rules as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Certification Requirements (V1.0).

  3. Define the product/service categories of the food chain applicable to HACCP certification.

  4. Summarize international accreditation guidelines and mutual recognition requirements for better international recognition and accreditation of HACCP certification.

  5. Introduce the HACCP logo for the promotion and publicity of HACCP certification.

China’s HACCP certification standards are recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GSFI). Governments at various levels in China are gradually promoting HACCP certification among the food processing and catering industries. HACCP certification can be officially acknowledged during processes such as the filling of export food production enterprises and import food registration. HACCP certification is also a part of the “Same Line, Same Standard and Same Quality” initiative promoted by the Chinese government.

Certification Standard:

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Certification Requirements (V1.0) (Appendix 2 of the implementation rules)

Note: When applicable, certification bodies may use the General Principles of Food Hygiene developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as supplementary certification standard, to meet the requirements of importing countries (regions).

China’s HACCP certification logo (This logo may be used for certification promotion, but not for products for sale):


Roles and Values of HACCP Certification:

1. Establish a system in accordance with Chinese food safety standards to promote compliance.

2. A national voluntary certification system, enhancing the food safety management capabilities, and gaining acknowledgement from food safety regulators.

3. Equivalent recognition to the GFSI, improving the accreditation by global purchasers.

4. Meet the requirements of food safety standard requirements, and boost consumers’ purchasing confidence.

5. One of the basic requirements for China’s “Same Line, Same Standard and Same Quality” initiative, ensuring the “same line, standard and quality” of exported products as domestically sold products.

6. Enhance competitiveness and market image, and eliminate trade barriers.

Scope of HACCP Certification:


-Food processing - C

-Catering - E

-Feed - D

-Retail and wholesale - F

-Transportation and storage - G

-Food Packaging - I

-Food additives - K

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