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New Energy Vehicle Certification and Standard Requirements

China Compulsory Certification of E-vehicles and Standard Requirements

China Compulsory Certification (CCC) is a product conformity assessment system implemented by Chinese government in accordance with laws and regulations to protect consumers’ personal safety and national security, and strengthen product quality management. CCC is also a statutory safety certification system and a basic practice widely used in the world to protect consumers’ rights and interests and safeguard consumers’ personal and property safety. China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) provides CCC services for E-vehicle enterprises in accordance with relevant standards and regulations.

Certification Rules: CQC-C1101-2020 Implementation Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Vehicles

CNCA TC11-2022-01 Technical Resolution

Contact Information

Tel: 86-010-83886404

Energy Conservation Certification of E-vehicles and Standard Requirements

Energy conservation certification refers to the conformity assessment activity by certification bodies to prove that energy-using products meet the requirements of national standards, industry standards or certification technical specifications in terms of energy efficiency. National and local governments and their subordinate functional agencies are encouraged to purchase products with outstanding energy conservation effect in their daily procurement. Vehicle products that have obtained the energy conservation certification certificate shall be given appropriate extra bonus points in the procurement bidding. In 2009, CQC began to carry out energy conservation certification of vehicle products. Passenger cars, buses, trucks and special vehicles driving on China’s highways and urban roads with new energy or traditional fuels, which have been in mass production and have obtained CCC certification, can apply for energy conservation certification.

Certification Rules: CQC31-491102-2017 Energy Conservation Certification Rules for Vehicles

Contact Information : 010-83886510

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