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FSSC22000 Certification

Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000), as a robust ISO-based certification scheme widely recognized in the world, aims at auditing and certifying food safety across the entire supply chain.

Specifically designed for organizations in the food industrial chain, FSSC 22000 may be applied by those involved in processing or manufacturing perishable animal products, perishable plant products, long-shelf-life products, and other food ingredients (such as additives, vitamins, and cell culture products), as well as by manufacturers of food packaging.

Adopting existing standards like ISO 22000 and ISO 22003, as well as technical specifications for industry-specific Prerequisite Program (PRP), FSSC 22000 is developed through extensive and open consultation with global stakeholders. Manufacturers with ISO 22000 certification can fully obtain the FSSC 22000 certification that is accepted by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), as long as in line with technical specifications for PRP and additional requirements.

The advantage of FSSC 22000 certification lies in its clear PRP requirements tailored to different industry categories across the food chain. This facilitates acceptance, implementation, and audit by organizations in different stages of the food supply chain.

Upon full implementation, FSSC 22000 becomes a regular standard recognized by the GFSI. This initiative will lower purchasing costs and enhance consistency across the global supply chain. Meanwhile, it will boost end-users’ confidence in third-party certification, and offer more flexible choices. Since its inception, FSSC 22000 has garnered favor from multiple international food manufacturing giants. They not only ask their subsidiaries to gain FSSC 22000 certification but also include it as a requirement in their supplier admission systems. Additionally, many international retail giants are gradually adopting this global food safety certification as a standard for supplier admission.

Food producers and manufacturers with ISO 22000 certification, as long as they pass the audit of ISO22002-1, can get the FSSC 22000 certification. Manufacturers without ISO 22000 certification need to conduct a gap analysis to identify the most practical way of obtaining FSSC 22000 certification.

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