产品编号 | 产品中文名称 | 产品英文名称 |
E001 | 吊式电风扇 | Ceiling Fans |
E002 | 中央空调及热泵式空调 | Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps,Air Source |
E003 | 洗衣机 | Clothes Washers |
E004 | 电脑 | Computers |
E005 | 显示器 | Displays |
E006 | 影印设备 | Imaging Equipment |
E007 | 大型网络设备 | Large Network Equipment |
E008 | 照明设备 | Luminaires |
E009 | 电冰箱及冷冻柜 | Refrigerators and Freezers |
E010 | 房间空调器 | Room Air Conditioners |
E011 | 机顶盒 | Set-top Boxes and Cable Boxes |
E012 | 电视机 | Televisions |
E013 | 通风机 | Ventilating Fans |
E014 | 水冷却器(饮水机) | Water Coolers |